
You probably found this site because you stumbled upon it. Perhaps you like Star Wars and found some of my work on an image search. Or maybe a friend emailed you a comic that was oddly profound. Was it funny? Was it disturbing? Did you feel something that you don’t usually feel? Was it a combination of comedy and tragedy, or maybe there just isn’t a word for it yet. But you know that there was something true about it.


“…wickedly funny.”

Brigid Alverson (Robot6)


Welcome to the random and eclectic work of Elan’.

Over the years there have been many ugly lies and rumors spread across the internet about the artist and writer simply known as Elan’ .  Most if not all these lies have been fabricated and distributed by Elan’ himself.


“…humorous and compelling story telling.”

Circle vs Square (dot) com


Listed below are facts about Elan’.

(Note: these “facts” were also fabricated and distributed by Elan’ )

  • In 2009 Elan’ was nominated for a Will Eisner Comic Book Industry Award for best Webcomic. The consequences of this nomination resulted in Neil Gaiman saying the phrase “Space Mexican.”
  • Elan’ has worked professionally on several commercials. He was a character animator on “The Simpsons” and has worked the thankless and gimmicky job of converting film for 3D glasses. Films such as Thor, Captain America and The Avengers.
  • Elan’ currently resides in Los Angeles, Ca. where he was born and raised. According to his Facebook page, he has two fictitious children, a son named Millbrook and a daughter named Gonad.


“Not as good as the author probably thinks it is, if only because it’s a little bit pulpy at times; but still like-able and decently done.”

This guy on Stumbleupon


What is guaranteed on this site is something different, something honest, and something interesting.



February, 2014